Podcast Episode Companion Pages

Below you can find the companion page for each episode. On a companion page, you will find information about each organization interviewed by episode, including:

  • Descriptions of the organization and their work.
  • Their social media pages.
  • Their website.
  • Images of the organization.
  • Contact info.
  • and more!

Click on each title to hear the podcast episode.

Episode 1: Willkommen in Falkensee

Wilkommen in Falkensee is an organization that seeks to improve the welcome culture and integration in their community.

Episode 2: Potsdam Konvoi

Potsdam Konvoi advocates for a greater commitment to resettling refugees stuck in Greek camps.

Episodes 3 & 4: Amal, Berlin!

Logo for refugee news website Amal, Berlin! with Arabic writing.
Amal, Berlin! creates news for migrants in their native languages (including Arabic and Farsi) and in German.

Episode 5: Willkommen in Dallgow

Logo for Willkommen in Dallgow
Willkommen in Dallgow is a community integration organization that helps refugees settle into their lives in Germany.

Episode 6: Begegnungscafe Babelsberg

Begegnungscafe Babelsberg offers a space for Germans and refugees to meet and chat. They often share food, stories, and play games.

Episode 7: Mosaique

Mosaique is a cultural center in Lüneberg, Germany.

Episode 8: Jobs4Refugees

Jobs4Refugees helps migrants gain entry into the German labor force.

Episode 9: Minor & Fem.OS

Logo of the organization Minor
Minor studies migration issues and conducts projects to help vulnerable populations including refugees.